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Common Non-Progressive Verbs

Know, realize, understand, recognize, believe, feel, suppose, think*, imagine, doubt, remember, forget,

want, need, prefer, mean, love, like, appreciate, hate, dislike, fear, envy, mind, possess, have*, own,

belong, taste*, smell*, hear, feel*, see*, seem, look*, appear*, cost, owe, weigh*, be*, exist, consist of , contain, include.

Note: Verbs with an asterisk are also commonly used as progressive verbs, with a difference in meaning,

as in the following examples:

Non-progressive (existing states)

I think he is a kind man.

He has a car.

This food tastes good.

The flowers smell good.

I see a butterfly.

The cat’s fur feels soft.

She looks ill.

He appears to be tired.

A piano is heavy. It weighs a lot.

I am hungry.

Progressive (activity in progress)

I am thinking about this question.

I am having trouble.

The chef is tasting sauce.

She is smelling rose.

The doctor is seeing a patient.

Sara is feeling the cat’s fur.

I am looking out of the window.

The actor is appearing on the stage.

The grocer is weighing the apples.

Tom is being foolish.

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