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I am honoured to be an English Grammar Teacher at Sir Shams'

I am honoured to be an English Grammar Teacher at Sir Shams’ Anglophile. I have very recently started my blog for sharing notes, vocabulary, structures and other stuff related to English Language. This is an online venue for my students where they can get knowledge, updates and contact me online as well. If you have any problem related to any topic here, please don’t hesitate to ask questions in comments. Hope this blog is very useful for my students.

Comments (9)

it easier when you are writing in the language that you grew up speaking. While many of us who may read this post grew up speaking English, that does not mean that we may not need to improve in one aspect or another of English grammar. Websites that cater to this aspect of writing are always useful.

IELTS reading test

Excellent Endeavor

I am to go & I have to go which one is correct

Hi sir,
I am Amin from New Maxico. I was listening you lecture and I analyzed a thing the you have a impressing voice if you start lectures on Islam I think many people will become impress.

Very nice to see you Sir Faisal after a long time. I hope you are good and doing well, I was your student for a short period of time, you are a very kind person. May Allah bless you always, Ameen.

no doubt, sir Faisal Amin has an awesome voice as well as accent when he speaks, we feel like listening to his speaking and lectures he delivers. He puts his heart and soul in teaching. honestly, i have never seen and found such a sincere and great teacher in my life. you have always been an inspiration to me. love you Sir G. <3

Great work sir

Is sir faisal still teaching in sir shams' anglophile?

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