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Phrasal Verbs List With Meanings

Abide by respect or obey. (the law, a decision, a rule)
Agree with have the same opinion as somebody else.
Answer back reply rudely
Back away move backwards, in fear or dislike.
Back up 1) give support or encouragement
Black out faint, lose consciousness.
blow up 1) explode; 2) be destroyed by an explosion
Break down
1) go out of order, cease to function.
Break into enter by force.
Break out start suddenly
Bring up raise (a child).
Bump into meet by accident or unexpectedly.

call off cancel
call on/upon sby formally invite or request.
calm down become more relaxed, less angry or upset.
carry on continue
carry out 1) do something as specified
come across
1) find by chance.
count on rely or depend on (for help)
cut down on reduce in number or size.
deal with handle, take care of (problem, situation)
do without manage without
dress up 1) wear elegant clothes.
drop in visit, usually on the way somewhere
drop out leave school without finishing
ease off reduce, become less severe or slow down (pain, traffic, work) figure out understand, find the answer
find out discover or obtain information
focus on concentrate on something
figure out understand; find a solution
get away escape
get by manage to cope or to survive
get in enter
get into (+noun) enter
get off 1) leave (bus, train, plane); 2) remove
get on
board (bus, train, plane)
get on (well) with (somebody) have a good relationship with
get over recover from (illness, disappointment)
get together meet each other.
get up rise, leave bed.
give up stop doing something.
go through experience.
grow up spend one's childhood; develop; become an adult
hand in submit (report, homework)
hand out distribute.
hang out spend time in a particular place,or with a group of friends.
hang up end a phone conversation.
hold on -wait
hurry up
be quick, act speedily.
join in participatejot down take quick notes.
keep on continue doing something.
let down disappoint.
look after take care of.
look down on consider as inferior.
look for try to find something.
mix up mistake one thing or person for another.
pass away die.
put off postpone, arrange a later date.
put on turn on, switch on
put out extinguish.
put up accommodate, give somebody a bed.
pick up collect somebody
point out indicate/direct attention to something.
rely on count on, depend on, trust
run away escape from a place or suddenly leave.
run into meet by accident or unexpectedly (also: bump into)
run out of have no more of something.
set off start a journey.
set up start a business.
show off brag or want to be admired.
sit down take a seat.
take after resemble, in appearance or character.
take care of look after.
take off leave the ground.
take on hire or engage staff
tell off reprimand/criticize severely.
think over consider.
try on wear something to see if it suits or fits I'm not sure about the size.
turn down refuse
use up finish a product (so that there's none left)
watch out be careful Watch out!
wear out 1) become unusable; 2) become very tired.
work out 1) do physical exercise.
wipe off clean (board, table).

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