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Direct and Indirect Objects

Direct and Indirect objects

A direct object refers to the person or thing affected by the action of the verb. It comes immediately after a
transitive verb.

An indirect object usually refers to the person who “benefit” from the action expressed in the verb. Someone
you give something to, or buy something for. It comes immediately after the verb.
eg) She gave me some flowers.
eg) She gave some flowers to me.

To or for?

We give something to someone, and we buy/do something for someone.
We can use to with these verbs: bring, feed, give, hand, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, post, promise, read, sell,
send, show, take, teach, tell, throw, write.


My father brings me gifts.
I am feeding porridge to the baby.
I have given you a chance.
Could you hand me the towel?
She lent me her car.
I can offer you a good job.
She still owes me £3 000.
Pass me the salt, please.

I paid a hefty amount to him.
Is it OK if I post the cheque to you next week?
I promised my students a picnic.

The teacher is reading children a story.
I sold an old car to him.
I’ll send you a text message.
She has shown some pictures to me.
Shall I take my host family a gift?
I’ll teach a good lesson to them.
I’m throwing you a ball.
I write you a letter.

We can use for with these verbs: book, bring, build, buy, choose, cook, fetch, find, get, leave, make, order,
pick, reserve, save.

I’ve booked you a seat.
She has brought a cake for us.
They are building us a house.

She buys us fruits.
I chose a pen for you.
My mother will cook us Chinese rice.
Fetch me some water to drink.
I’ll find you a good job.

Please get me something to drink.
Leave me some pizza.
She is making me coffee.
I ordered you fried fish.
Pick me a number.
I have reserved you a table.
My father is saving me money.

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