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When we want to make two points, and emphasise that one of them contrasts with the other, there are a number of different words and expressions that we can use.
Probably the most common and simplest word to use is the conjunction but. It comes between the two clauses that you wish to contrast:

Summary of Gerunds


The Gerund
Gerund forms:
                                      Active                             Passive
simple                           Playing                           being played
perfect                           having played               having been played

Summary of Infinitives


The infinitives
Infinitive forms:

                                      Bare-infinitive               To-infinitive
simple                           Play                                to play
perfect                           have played                   to have played
continuous                             be playing                      to be playing
perfect continuous       have been playing        to have been playing

Summary of Participles


The Participle
Participle forms:
                                      Active                                                         Passive
                                       Playing                 Simple                           played
                                       played                  Continuous                      being played
          Perfect                 having played                                       having been played
                Past                      Played



When people or things do something we use active voice but when something happens to them we use passive voice or when the action of the verb is more important than its doer, we use passive voice.

.When do we use passive voice?
In some sentences, passive voice can be perfectly acceptable. You might use it in the following cases: